Take rhombic hanging basket of building a highway rigid frame bridge for example, analysis of rhombic hanging basket deformation theory, guide the basket pre-pressure test by basket load simulation. 以正在建设的某公路刚构桥梁上使用的菱形挂篮为例,分析挂篮产生变形机理,通过挂篮加载仿真分析指导挂篮预压试验。
Combining the generalized analysis of the former natural zoning for highway, this paper discussed the frame system, character and adaptability of the former natural zoning f. 在综合分析我国已有的公路自然区划的基础之上,探讨已有公路自然区划的框架体系、特点及适应性,可为新公路自然区划的制定提供必要的依据。
According to the physical and mechanical characteristics of soil-similar slope along the express highway and the results of slope stability analysis, prestressed anchors and concrete frame beams are used, and obtains good effect. 针对三福高速公路沿线类土质边坡物理力学性质特征和边坡稳定性分析结果,采用预应力锚杆(索)和混凝土框架梁以及拱型骨架植草等综合治理方案,取得了良好的防护效果。
Up till now, most of the departments of transportation at the provincial level have been planning the second level highway hub system under the general frame of highway hub system at the national level. 目前,各省交通厅在国家级公路主枢纽系统的总体框架下,分别进行了各省的二级公路枢纽系统的规划。
At the same time, it still analyzes highway's management structure and sets up its design principles and general frame. 同时对我国高速公路经营管理体制进行了分析,建立了高速公路产业化经营管理体制的设计原则和总体框架。
In the construction of excavated soft rock slope of highway roadbed, applied united shoring method of pressure-diffusing-type anchorage cable, anchored pipe-pipe, frame foundation beam. 在高速公路路基开挖软弱岩层边坡施工中,采用以压力分散型锚索为主、锚管桩和框架梁等联合支护方案。
On the basis of discussing to guidelines and principles of highway's planning of maintenance and construction, the frame of whole system and functions of each subsystem are designed. 在阐述公路养建规划指导思想和基本原则的基础上,对公路养建规划体系进行了框架设计,并针对公路养建规划体系中的各个子系统进行了功能设计。
In recent years many prestressed concrete highway bridges in different types have been built in this country, such as simple supported girder bridges, balanced cantilever T-frame bridges, continuous girder bridges, continuous rigid frame bridges, cable-stayed bridges and composite arch bridges. 近几年来,我国建造了多座预应力混凝土桥,结构型式有简支梁、T型刚构、连连梁、连续刚构、斜拉桥与组合式拱桥等。
The Yushan bridge is located on the 319 Pengshui to Qianjiang national highway. The superstructure of the main part of the bridge is 94m+ 170m+ 94m prestressed concrete rigid-continuous frame bridge. 郁山大桥位于国道319彭(水)黔(江)线上,其主桥上部结构形式为94m+170m+94m预应力混凝土连续刚构桥,主墩采用双支薄壁高墩,设计荷载为汽-20级,挂-100级。
Through the real time video acquisition, compression and GPS position location, this system realized the functions of video searching and geography positioning based on mileage and road facilities, and could get the corresponding highway video frame rapidly according to the position on the electronic map. 通过视频影像的实时采集压缩和GPS定位,系统可实现基于里程和道路设施的多种视频影像搜索和定位功能,同时可根据电子地图快速定位到相应的视频图像帧。
Along with the development of highway construction, the structure is changing from simple tree frame to flexible network structure. 随着高速公路建设的不断完善,其网络结构正由单一的树状结构向四通八达的网状结构演变,从而会诱发转移一部分交通量,这势必会对现有的公路运输结构以及交通配流产生影响。
This paper analyzes the connotation and the development meaning of high-speed highway passenger transportation, and puts forward the frame of it. 分析了公路快速客运的内涵及发展意义,构建了西部地区公路快速客运系统的结构框架,并以用户效用函数为依据对公路快速客运的服务对象进行了探讨。
Due to topographical terms, highway building tends to be crossed in the mountains that continuous rigid frame bridges with high piers are widely used in mountainous areas. 由于地形条件的限制,在山区进行公路建设往往需要跨越深沟、峡谷,以至于大跨高墩桥梁的修建逐渐增多。
TAs the development of the mountain highway and road of urban, concrete curve rigid frame bridge has been rapid progress in recent years. 随着山区高等级公路和城市道路的快速发展,混凝土曲线刚构桥以其能很好地适应环境的限制,使道路更加平顺、流畅等独特优势在近几年来得到了迅速的发展。
Finally, combined with the fact of Tianjin highway, the overall frame of highway management system, traffic management system and traffic information system of Tianjin highway was established. 最后结合天津公路实际,分别建立了公路管理系统、交通管理系统、交通信息系统的总体框架。
In recent years, highway network in the western region is extended to loess gully region on a large-scale. When the highway routes pass through the mountains and highland region, the high-pier span continuous rigid frame bridge is often the preferred bridge type. 近几年,西部地区高速公路网大规模向黄土沟壑地区延伸,当公路线路穿越崇山峻岭和高原沟壑区时,高墩大跨的连续刚构桥常成为首选桥型。
The proposed highway landscape planning and design based on highway landscape design theory and use spiral model of software engineering for reference. A set of highway landscape design theory frame had been constructed and relevant factors were discussed in detail. 本文所提出的公路景观规划设计,是在公路景观设计理论的基础上,借鉴软件工程理论中的螺旋模型,建立了相应的公路景观设计理论框架,对各相关要素进行了详细的探讨。